Tuesday 18 December 2012


yippeeeeeeeeee.... I am so happy to have finished this group project! As much as i love my course and getting stuck in, for some reason i just did not click with this project. We basically had to come up with a concept that linked in with the theme of sustainability (i hate sustainability) the concept we came up with was pretty good as we could make anything and let our creativity take over. Our concept was; Zero Waste.
Our idea was to take a piece of luxurious fabric and create a garment out of it using the whole piece of material so there was no waste what so ever. We also decided not to have a pattern piece to save on paper.

A few of the final images...

LOGO - Loving the laser cutter!!

Our plans for the model we wanted to use fell through...
As we could find anyone else in such a short time I was nominated to model our garment. 

Look book... Label... Poster... Packaging

The final.
I was very pleased to find out I got 67% for this module.. 2:1 wahoooo

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